Theme for September: Let’s get moving to boost our ability to work!

An Active Nation and People is dedicating the month of September to the ability to study and work. Throughout the month, we will be highlighting information, news and blogs about the topic. We will also be actively involved in the week dedicated to improving the ability to work through physical activity, from 30 September to 4 October 2024. We hope that you will join us!

The ability to cope with your work and studies is crucial for the future of Finland. Leading a sufficiently active lifestyle and feeling healthy go hand in hand. There is strong evidence to suggest that physical activity extends your career, improves productivity and improves the employer image. All this also reduces costs.


Throughout the month, all the parties involved will highlight their content and ideas related to the theme of the month. They can also share the materials produced by others in their own channels. Everyone gets to choose how they wish to participate and encourage their networks to join them. The theme month will last “roughly” through September. Pre-parties and after-parties are allowed.

We encourage everyone to publish a social media post during the month in which you share the promise that your organisation is making to improve the ability to work and/or study. Remember to use the hashtags #LupausSuomelle #LoftetillFinland #LiikkumallaTyökykyäNyt. All the promises will be posted and displayed on this site.

The purpose of the one-week campaign from 30 September to 4 October 2024 is to promote the ability to work and study. The theme of the week is “participate and engage”. Learn more about what the week involves and find the campaign materials on the website of the Liikkuva Opiskelu programme.

The logos of the month (in Finnish and in Swedish) can be found in our material bank.

The month of September, dedicated to the ability to work and study, begins a series of theme months under the concept “Finland – An Active Nation and People” where the participation of the entire community is the key. The aim of the theme months is to highlight various perspectives on physical activity and the ability to function. Everyone has an important role to play in bringing these themes to the forefront and driving change. In November, we will continue with the theme of family exercise.